Polish Business Euro Club ltd
Your dream property in Poland
Polish Bank PKO BP London Branch mortgage loan offer for " Your dream property in Poland".Let us highlight the most important points of the offer.
- Purpose purchase of a flat, apartment, house, cottage house or land to build future house in Poland
- Up to 40 years of repayment period
- Individual or joint application with spouse, partner, family members or a friend(s)
- Applicant status, confirm live in UK with permanent address, documented UK income as employee or self-employed
- Choice of currencies for the loan : EURO, GBP, USD, Swiss Frank, PLN (Polish zloty)
- Various deposits and loan repayment options
- From as little as 5%, fixed or decreasing capital
- Convenient repayment holidays
- All loan procedures are completed in London Branch office, no need for you to travel to Poland
- Each time you will have dedicated member of bank personnel to assist you with any and every question you may have
- Quick decisions in principal about loan approvals
- Quick loan procedure overall
- English speaking friendly bank staff
- London Branch open Monday to Friday at heart of West End , 151 Shaftesbury Avenue nearest tube station Covent Garden
- Branch tel.: +44 (0)207 845 9850 additional information please email to: anna.polanska2@pkobp.pl, view details at www.pkobp.co.uk
In our mind this offer represent top Quality value and exceptional profit making opportunity provided by largest Polish State own Bank PKO BP.
Poland unique country without recession, with still positive GDP growth and best prospects to come as top finisher in bouncing back Global financial crisis.
In fact 70 Billion Euro are ready for use from EU budget to be spent on Polish Road, Motorways, airports and other properties infrastructure. None of any other EU member state has such a privilege and opportunity right now. By 2013 all money must be spend creating additional wealth and prosperity for all polish nationals and foreign small, mid size to large investors. YOU Could Be ONE of Them. Take your future in your hand and create fantastic profit prospects.
Now with already discounted market prices on average 25% from peak prices your capital growth could be as such within two years from now on.
To me such Golden opportunity is worth every penny and the efforts to consider such options. NO Spain, Portugal, Cyprus or Bulgaria, but Poland can bring you such rewarding investment. Only small deposit of your savings can bring dream results. Go forward once again, you will not regret it.
That is in our PBEC opinion formula for success.
Yours sincerely
Further enquiries please contact maciej@pbec.eu